Speech Therapist and Linguist
In the practice you will work with drs Ilse Meezen. She has a done a 4 year study of Speech Therapy and also a 4 year study of Linguistics at the University of Amsterdam.

Ilse has extensive experience in education and health care both as a speech therapist and counselor. She is also an author of teaching methods and therapy programs. Ilse heeft veel ervaring in het onderwijs en de zorg als logopedist en adviseur. Ook is zij auteur van onderwijsmethoden en therapieprogramma’s. Daarom kunt u uitstekend bij haar terecht voor het maatwerk dat nodig is om verder te komen.
Informal caregiver
Ilse is an informal caregiver for her mother, who has aphasia and physical limitations. Also she is stay-over aunt to an autistic boy of 13, since more than 10 years. Caregivers can come to our practice to learn how to support the therapy but also to ask questions on the field of communication or better eating and drinking.
Customized care
Because of all the different skills and experiences, Ilse is very suited to work in situations were quick customization of care or educational material is required.
Yoga promotes fitness, breathing control and concentration. It makes you feel better about yourself and this encourages better results in speech therapy, at school or in sports. "Time for yourself" is very important for everyone but especially for informal caregivers and people who work in health care or education. Yoga is an excellent way to easily take some daily time for yourself. Are you interested in yoga, for yourself or for children? Please check the website www.yogakey.nl